Our Location

DNA K9 collaborates with canine professionals throughout the US and Canada from its base in Hattiesburg, MS, expanding the reach of our services to your preferred location.

Who We Are

  • Alex Pescador

    Alex is the Owner of DNA K9, and Honors Scholar of forensic anthropology at the University of Southern Mississippi, conducting applied research on detection dog capabilities. Alex is a member of Peace River Search and Rescue Association’s Forensic Applied Sciences and Technology (F.A.S.T.) Team, with a focus in forensic anthropology and K9 handling. Alex obtained 14 years of canine training experience, starting in 2008, before earning her certifications as an instructor in obedience and tracking from ABCANTRA in 2018. She currently specializes in human remains detection, but has trained hundreds of dogs during her career for a variety of tasks. Her favorite part of canine training is finding creative solutions to complex problems, and teaching K9 handlers by combining classroom instruction with practical application in the field.

  • Roy Pescador

    Roy is a Training Instructor with DNA K9, bringing 18 years of canine training experience in a multitude of disciplines. Roy has been involved in search and rescue as a Search Manager, Training Officer, Instructor/Evaluator for NSDA and NASAR, and Consultant, teaching seminars, workshops, and helping K9 handlers understand and communicate with their dogs. Roy is currently a Program Lead for a biomedical detection K9 program and assists investigations for law enforcement agencies across the U.S. and Canada. Roy’s favorite part of canine training is seeing the growth and progress in the teams he instructs.